Legal Disclaimer
Bois Landry
Estate of Bois Landry
Lieu dit La Graiserie
28240 Champrond en Gâtine
Tel. : 02 52 56 00 76
Design, integration and hosting of the site
Agence Ceasy
Parc Edonia - Bâtiment A
Rue de la Terre Victoria
Statement National Commission on Computing and Liberties (CNIL)
In accordance with the Act of 6 January 1978 relative to computing, files and freedoms,
In compliance with the stipulations of the Law of 6 January 1978 and to Article 43 of the Act of 30 September 1986, referred to as the "Law on Information Technology and Liberties", that pertain to information technology, databases and civil liberties, this web site has been declared to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL).
We remind you that you have a right of access, modification, correction and suppression of the data which concern you (art. 34 of the Information Technology and Civil Liberties Law of January 6, 1978).
To exercise this right, please contact Bois Landry.
Collecting of personal data and cookies
Our servers are not set to collect personal information about the website visitors except the following technical data: the origin of the connections (access supplier), IP address, browser type and version used.
By no means, do we collect the email address of the visitors without the latter having given it to us deliberately.
The traffic data and cookies files that we insert on your computer have the sole purpose of allowing us to analyze the website visit of our information pages in order to improve their content.
The data relating to the web browsing of the visitors are not exploited by name. They are aggregated statistics allowing to know the most and least popular popular pages, the favorite paths, the levels of activity by days of the week and by hours of the day, the major client or server errors.
We remind you that you have, in your browser software, the possibility of blocking the insertion of cookies on your computer.
The features of Google Analytics for advertisers display are activated on this site (Remarketing).
Google uses cookies to broadcast our advertisements on the websites of its network Display.
Due to the Cookie named DoubleClick, Google adapts the ads to users according to their browsing on our website.
You can disable the use of this feature by going to the manager of preferences for the advertisements.
Intellectual property and right to reproduce
The entirety of this website falls under French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations (Renaud Wailliez, www.renaudwailliez.com, 06 10 73 18 63).
Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of this website, by whichever processes, without the explicit prioir authorization of Bois Landry is prohibited and is a forgery according the meaning of articles L 335-2 and following of the Code of the intellectual property.
As an exception to the preceding provisions and particularly for an educational use, the reproduction of the texts of this website on a hard copy is authorized, subject to the compliance with the three following conditions:
- free of charge distribution,
- compliance with the integrity of the reproduced documents: no modification or alteration of any kind, compliance with the copyright,
- clear and legible quotation of the source that must coercively be mentioning the internet address of the web site.
The logos are registered trademarks. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of these marks is therefore prohibited when there is no prior written permission of Bois Landry.
The hypertext links implemented within the website in the direction of other websites and/or personal pages and in a general way to all existing resources on the Internet do not incur the responsibility of Bois Landry.
The capture of nominative information to extend the databases, for example for commercial or advertising purposes, is prohibited.
Rights of Exploitation and Protection of materials
All the companies that contributed to the creation and establishment of this website cannot be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise from your access to or use of this website.
Moreover Bois Landry cannot be held responsible for any damage or virus that could infect your computer or any computer hardware after the use or access of this website or download from this website.
The entirety of the texts and illustrations present on this website are subject to the rights of authors. Their reproduction for personal use is accepted but their modification or unauthorized broadcasting is prohibited.
Bois Landry does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on this website or their suitability for a particular purpose.
Any information that you convey to Bois Landry via the Internet, including remarks, suggestions, ideas, drawings etc... become and will remain the exclusive property of Bois Landry, without restriction of the user right, without any compensation to you or a third party.
Furthermore these informations will not be processed by us as confidential.
Links to other websites may extrude you from our website; we accept no responsibility on these targeted websites. These links are established in good faith and we cannot be held responsible for changes on these websites.