Bois Landry

How to access to Domaine of Bois Landry ?
By car
Take first A10 then A11 (highways linking Paris to the south west : Nantes/Bordeaux) take exit N° 3.1 (Illiers-Combray). Then via the D941 (through Les Corvées les Yys) go to the village of Champrond en Gâtine (located on the N923, the main route between Chartres and Le Mans) and once you are in the village take the D15 at your left in direction Combres/Brou and the Domaine du Bois Landry ist indicated (2kms).
Using your GPS you just set it « lieu-dit la Graiserie » in «Champrond-en-Gâtine » zip code « 28240 »as the destination and you will arrive at the meeting point of the Estate (« Domaine »).
By train
Take the rail line Paris-Le Mans and get off at « Courville-sur-Eure » (closer to Paris ; you get off first there) or in « La Loupe » (a little further away from Paris).
Weekly fare one way between 20 and 25 € (different fares for Sundays and bank holidays).
You will need to book a taxi
At Courville-sur-Eure :
Taxis Baron: land line:02 37 23 33 19 or mobile 06 11 09 71 38
At La Loupe :
Taxi Sueur Christophe: land line: 02 37 81 08 85 or mobile 06 09 17 90 75.
If you're combining train and bike
The biking distance between the « La Loupe » station (via D15) or the « Courville sur Eure » station (via D923) and the Estate « Domaine » is for both aproximatively 15 kms. To enjoy a more serpentine but difficult route, take the « La Loupe » station.